

I remember it so clearly, but now doesn't everyone? I was in the 8th grade and remember how frantic and upset all the teachers were at school and none of us could figure out what was going on or why we couldn't use the computers... then came the over-pour of mothers coming into school to get their kids. It was a crazy, weird and completely devastating day. I remember even having to pack a bag and wait to hear from my dad if my mom, brother and I were to drive north and wait until my dad could get there to meet us if things got worse. My dad was suppose to be in the city that night for a board meeting, my mother was planning for her anniversary (which is tomorrow) and I was planning my birthday party with my friends at school (being on the 10 day countdown-- which was huge at that age). It was as gorgeous in NJ that day as it is in Dallas today and like every year I wear a little piece of red, white, and blue and think about all the people close to us as well as other Americans who are feeling the loss again of their loved ones today.

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